Thursday, February 20, 2014

Basics of Negotiation Skill

What is this skill which is needed by everyone and everywhere?

Why do people try to negotiate?Every one have their own goals to achieve and their achievement has a dependency  with one of your actions.So unless you do that they will not achieve their target.So they negotiate with you.Negotiation in simple terms is influencing to get some work done.

More over people negotiate to 

  • Reach an Agreement
  • Beat opposition
  • Compromise
  • Settle an argument 
  • Make a point


Negotiation is back and forth communication designed to reach agreement while leaving the other side intact and positive.

Why do people need to reach to agreement?
People around you bear different thoughts, views and
So as we are walk the journey at least at one point we will definitely need to get things done by some one around us.As we own different opinions this getting something done might lead to conflicts.Here we start a  conflicts.Conflicts are either good or bad.If the final outcome of a conflict is good, which means both parties gain some thing or both parties improve/create a good relationship we cal call that conflict a good conflict.If its the other way round then we can call it a bad conflict.Thus there is one important thing.

Any and Every conflict have its own underlying relationship between the two.More the closer more the possibility for conflicts.

Bargaining, Bribing, Threatening etc , all are the ways of negotiating.Good or bad, ethical or unethical still we negotiate to get what we want to be done.

In some ways both parties loose. If the deal is reached in the quality of its terms and if the different parties work together and make the deal with trust and differences, its approach is purely negotiating.

It is very much important to determine the kind of relationship you want to have with the other party and negotiate.You must inspire the other party and create a confidence about you with regards the win win situation you are to create.
As i mentioned earlier we well people hold different thoughts, views and opinions.So better to have alternatives all the time.Alternatives may help yo safe guard the relationship while satisfying the interests of both parties at the provided criteria. 
Simply must explain the gains they will get and the gains for you and must make sure that both parties leave the table with something more than they bought to the table and that is true negotiation.

To be success in negotiation one must listen and observe well.Study the body language of the other party well as they tell a story which may not come out from the mouth.Be open and flexible yet firm.Practice patience and need to possess good leadership skills as well.A good negotiator needs to control her/his emotions.Have to have knowledge - pros and cons of every deal thoroughly. Being a trust worthy person would help more for negotiation.Grasp the situation and face wisely.

Being a good negotiator knowing your alternatives you will never sign for a bad deal but win the deal and honestly/ cunningly will  make the other party feel about their victory as well.Be different, See different and Act different these are the keys of a successful negotiator.


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