Sunday, February 2, 2014

Effective Business Writing

The aim of this blog post  is to provide some information on effective business writing as business consultancy deals a lot with documentation.

Plain English

Remember "NO BODY IS DYING TO READ WHAT YOU WRITE IN THE OFFICE ".It is  one of the most important factor which everyone of us keep in our minds as we go one writing emails or reports or business letters or anything.Do you die to read the emails you receive from your office college? am sure the answer is "NO".So do the others.

Using Plain English means writing in a such manner that the reader can read, understand and act upon it at the very first time of reading the article/email/business letter.

It is even important that what you write can be read fast and the message is conveyed at one time still in a very friendly manner.


  • Use short and simple words
  • Reduce old fashion English
  • Short sentences (15- 20 words)
  • Avoid bulky paragraphs (3-5 lines maximum)
  • Prefer active verbs

Active Verbs:

The cat      + sat  on + the mat

Make Lists : Use Bullet Points

  • introduce the list with stem sentence
  • use a colon to introduce the list
  • match verb-verb and noun-noun

Linking Words
Once you have organized the information, it is necessary to link it together so that it is easy for the readers to follow.

  I like chocolate but not cheese.
  eg: but, although, meanwhile, how ever

sequencing/ time
  First you add the sugar and also milk powder.
  eg: also, more over, consequently

cause and result
  He was late so i was angry.
  eg: so, since, because, there fore

additional/ reinforcement
  I like chocolate and cheese.
  eg: more over, especially, further more

Before Writing:
  • Why i am writing? (purpose)
  • What do i want from the reader? (action)
  • Who is the reader?
Email Writing Essential:
  • Have a clear subject, specific subject line (eg: Report Format)
  • Salutation (Dear Mr.Jackson )
  • Write in short paragraph
  • Remember to sign off
  • Have an email signature
Report Writing Essentials:
  • Have a clear aim and objectives
  • Focus on the reader
  • Be selective
  • Spend time planning
  • Allow time to edit and proof read
So write plain, simple language in a very friendly manner.It will help you to reach the top of the career ladder fast.