Thursday, October 1, 2015

What it takes to be 'LIKED'

Likeability is completely under a person’s control and has outlined what it takes to be likeable:

Ask questions
Many people make the mistake of not actually listening to people when they are talking because they are so focused on what it is they want to say, this comes across as rude. To avoid this people should ask questions, show interest in the other person and show that they have been listening.

Turn off your phone
People should commit to a conversation and focus all their energy on that conversation. Not only will they notice that they enjoy the conversations more when they are fully immersed but people will like them more when they are not constantly glancing at their phone or tuning out mid-conversation to reply to a text.

Be genuine
No one likes a fake. People gravitate toward those who are genuine because they know they can trust them. Likeable people are confident enough to be comfortable in their own skin, not pretending to be someone they are not.

Use positive body language
Likeable people are aware of their gestures, expressions and tone of voice. Using an enthusiastic tone, uncrossing arms and maintaining eye contact with the person speaking are all forms of positive body language that draws people in.

It sounds obvious but people naturally mirror the body language of the person they are talking to. If you want to be liked then smile during a conversation and the person will unconsciously return the favour.

Balance passion and fun
People gravitate toward those who are passionate. Having said that, passionate people can often come across as too serious or uninterested because they tend to be absorbed in their work. Likeable people balance their passion with the ability to have fun. At work they are serious, yet friendly. But outside of work they are also very sociable.