Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Energy Systems

 I have been working in energy services for the past 2 years and i still think that its such a complex domain to understand for someone not coming from electrical or mechanical engineering back grounds. So i thought of trying to explain what I have learnt so far in this blog for whoever is interested in learning it.

Welcome to energy systems for dummies-

Typically in large energy systems,   electricity is generated by a mixture of fossil  fuel and renewable generation assets. The output   from these is stepped up to a very high voltage  by transformers before entering the transmission   network that carries the electricity over long  distances to the region where it is needed.   Once close to where it is needed the voltage  is stepped down again by transformers and the   electricity enters the distribution network.  The distribution network takes the electricity   over shorter distances to all the homes  and businesses that need that electricity. 

What are the key roles in the energy  system? First we’ve got the generators, they’re the owners of the large generation  assets on the system and sell the output   from them into the wholesale electricity market.  Next we have the transmission system operator,   they own and manage the high voltage  long distance transmission network,   then the distribution system operator they only  manage the lower voltage distribution network,   then the consumers these are  the users of the electricity. Suppliers are responsible for buying the  right amount of electricity from generators   and selling it to consumers.

Another key role is  the energy system operator they are responsible   for the operation of the energy system as a  whole ensuring supply and demand always balance.   The final role is that of aggregators they  aggregate smaller flexible generation and   demand assets selling flexibility from  them to the ESO or potentially the DSO. 

Now when operating the energy system as you can  imagine there are many challenges that need to be overcome to ensure safe reliable and efficient operation and explaining this whole thing is much harder than operating it.

Let me know your thoughts.

Friday, February 26, 2021

Business Analysts Role in IoT World

Today I thought of talking about IoT systems and the Business Analysts role in a IoT project/product. 

IoT is becoming a hot and a trending topic nowadays. It’s estimated that the worldwide number of IoT-connected devices will increase to 43 billion by 2023.

Businesses nowadays embrace IoT technology because of the immense number of benefits it  can provide to the business over its competitors. It generates a competitive advantage to the business over others.

IoT  projects or products can be considered much more challenging than typical software projects due to the below reasons -

1. Resource Availability

2. Cost

Resource Availability-

It is very hard to find a good development resource for IoT projects and it is much more harder to find a one with the required amount of experience. 

Not only that but also there exists a difficulty in finding quality hardware devices for a reasonable price. Most companies try to partner with a hardware manufacturer for IoT projects/products due to the same reason though most partnerships fail.

Cost -

Starting from the human resources for a IoT project to devices to innovation and creativity to  research and development to testing, every  step in IoT projects are very costly and most companies do not possess the required budget to involve in IoT projects.

Now let me talk to you about the Business Analysts role in a IoT project-

Business analysts play an important role in any project. And IoT projects are no exception. They are essential role players to ensure challenges are avoided or easily overcome at each stage of the project. But how do they do it?

1. Identifying the Business Need

A business analyst works to engage with all stakeholders to carefully consider the business' exact requirements. This helps to determine exactly what the business wants from the IoT project. 

2. Conducting the Market Research  

As with any new project a business takes on, it is essential to understand what competitors are doing. It is also vital to know exactly what customers want and include this information in the business Use Case. If a value added functionality is found, don't forget to add it to the product or even suggest to your customer if the context matches.

3. Read and Share New Ideas

By considering important data and insights, a business analyst comes up with ideas that match the business' requirements. Through this, all stakeholders can study the ideas and find the most suitable solution for implementation. 

4. Analyze Risks

It is vital to evaluate how the project will turn out. A business analyst can assess any risks throughout the development stages, the implementation feasibility, the project's functional strength and any potential roadblocks.

 5. Involve in User Acceptance Testing

Business Analyst understand the heart beat of the customer. Hence he/she would be the most ideas person to conduct the UAT.

Having said all of the above, BAs role in a IoT projects requires the BA to learn  and understand the business domain as well as  communication protocols between devices, data  flow  and storage, security and  technical details. It is much challenging than a typical software BA role. Having said that, it is also the most interesting arenas.

With custom IoT systems, businesses can improve productivity, enhance service to consumers and stand out among competitors. The key to success with custom IoT technology is to invest in a professional team that can overcome the challenges that arise from embarking on an IoT project.

Monday, January 18, 2021

Business Intelligence or Business Analytics

Thought of sharing my reading findings on the difference of Business Intelligence and Business Analytics with you. This is a area which I was initially confused so anyone confused as me can read it and clarify the doubts.

Business intelligence (BI) is using data to make intelligent business decisions by monitoring, collecting and reporting data for visualizations.BI helps organizations filter through existing relevant data to identify trends and patterns in the past and present to make better decisions for current operations.

In many organizations, this process is the responsibility of business intelligence analysts who work with data scientists to analyze the gathered data, interpret data patterns and then communicate effectively to their organizations how to best implement these findings.

Business analytics (BA) is vital to utilizing business intelligence to its full potential by working to interpret data to predict future patterns based on current data. Business analytics is great for companies looking to improve or change their current operations and make better decisions for the future.BA includes data mining, statistical analysis, and predictive modeling that help make more informed decisions.

BI is descriptive and is about what is  happening now and what happened in the past to get us to that state. Business Analytics is predictive  and can tell you what's going to happen in the future. Further it can tell the business what it should be doing to create better outcomes. 

Tools used for BI and BA -
  1. Microsoft Power BI
  2. Tableau
  3. SAP Business Intelligence
  4. Yellowfin BI
  5. QlikSense
  6. Sisense
  7. Oracle BI
  8. IBM Cognos Analytics
2020 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Analytics and Business Intelligence Platforms -

I am starting to love data. So will share my learnings with you.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Business Analysis Core Concept Model (BACCM)

BACCM is a conceptual framework for the business analysis profession. This model carries details of what business analysis is and what it means to those who per perform business analysis tasks regardless the industry.

The model contains 6 core concepts - Need, Solution, Stakeholder, Context, Value and Change.
Each core concept is fundamental to the business analysis practice and are equally important. 

Below is the BACCM -

(Source: BABOC)

To begin with let me explain what each concept means -
  1. Need - This is the problem or the opportunity that need to be addressed. Need motivates the stakeholders to think of a solution which adds value to the organization by solving the problem or benefit the opportunity.
  2. Solution - This is the specific way(s) of addressing or satisfying one or more needs. Solution should solve the problem or help the stakeholders to achieve the benefit of the opportunity.
  3. Stakeholder - Stakeholder is defined as individual or group of individuals who are interested in, influenced or impacted by the change. Stakeholders have a relationship to the need, solution and change. 
  4. Context - This is where the change happens. The context is everything relevant to the change that is within the environment. Context may include attitudes, behaviors, beliefs, competitors, culture, demographics, goals, governments, infrastructure, languages, losses, processes, products, projects, sales, seasons, terminology, technology, weather, and any other element meeting the definition. (Source: BABOC)
  5. Value - The importance or usefulness of something to a stakeholder within a context. Value can be tangible or intangible. Tangible value is directly measurable. Tangible value often has a significant monetary component. Intangible value is measured indirectly. Intangible value often has a significant motivational component, such as a company's reputation or employee morale. (Source: BABOC)
  6. Change - The act of transformation in response to a need.

Now let me talk to you how BAs should apply the above said 6 core concepts in to business analysis practice.
  1. Need - The BA should first understand the need which the organization want to satisfy by building this solution. Further BA should understand the problems which he/she may encounter while satisfying this need.
  2. Solution - What are the existing solutions in the market? What products do the competitors use to solve the same problem? Should we build a product from the scratch or can we make a change to the existing solution and satisfy the need? What’s the justification for the final decision which the BA take on the solution?
  3. Stakeholder - Who are the stakeholders who are interested in, influenced by or infected by the change? In what capacity are they involved?
  4. Value - What is the expectation of the stakeholders and why do they want to achieve it? How would the BA could present the value (delivered or yet to deliver) to the stakeholders in an understandable format?
  5. Change - What are the changed required to achieve the need of the stakeholders? What the process of achieving the change? When do the business require this change - Is it an urgent change?
  6. Context -  What is the context(s) in which the solution function? Different geo locations/ cultures/ terminologies/ processors etc.
This article would be useful for anyone interested in business analysis practice. Further this model is a part of the IIBA exams scnedule.

So let me know your thoughts.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

06 Types of Business Analysts

To begin with who is a Business Analyst? A Business Analyst is any individual who perform business analysis tasks as mentioned in the BABOK guide. 

However, based on the behaviors showcased while attending to business analysis tasks, business analysts can be categorized in to several types-

  1. Note Taker Business Analyst
  2. Brick Wall Business Analyst
  3. Technical Business Analyst
  4. Librarian Business Analyst
  5. Professor Business Analyst
  6. Specialist Business Analyst

Note Taker Business Analyst

This is normally the business analyst who just entered to the arena of business analysts.  They write down everything people ask them to write down. They do not evaluate what the stakeholders mention or say no to anything they say.
However, we all start right there but along with time and experience moved forward.

Brick Wall Business Analyst

This type of analysts is must concerned about the SCOPE and the BUDGET of the project. Yes, exactly she/he is playing more of the role of a Project Manager. Such individuals are do not try to analyst the need of the stakeholders with the intention of creating VALUE which is the core responsibility of a Business Analyst.
However, such business analysts much useful when it comes to managing the stakeholders who need everything starting from the sun to the moon and universe because delivering some value to the stakeholders within a year is better than trying to understand all the needs and delivering value in another 10 years.

Technical Business Analyst

This type of business analysts starts analyzing the technology and design before understanding the core need of the stakeholders. This mostly happen to the software engineers who change their track to Business Analyst at a later point in their career. They try to solutionism before eliciting the requirement and end up developing a complex solution which is not required by anyone. For example, they will write requirements to implement a mansion when the requirement is a hut or a rocket to travel 10 KMs when the requirement is a bicycle.
These individuals should get in to the technical track and become solution architects. 

Librarian Business Analyst

This type of business analysts creates very accurate documents which are very clear and carry every little detail. The only pain is reading those documents as they are mini bibles which takes much time to read. In certain project environments such business analysts become bottleneck to the project as the documents are not ready for review and sign off for the initiation of the project.
These analysts hate Agile Project Management Methodology as it requires minimal documentation.

Professor Business Analyst

These individuals love building theories around the requirements discussions. They are visionary and much passionate about the solution. However, this type of business analysts should be controlled by another Business Analyst or Project Manager as unless properly managed a complex theory shall be documents which doesn't add much value to the stakeholders or business.

Specialist Business Analyst

This type of business consultants are the best to work with as they add much value to the project. Some business analysts are Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) specialists and they work hard to do the process flows for the entire project. Some analysts are data specialists and they work towards perfecting the inflow and out flow of data. These business analysts create value to the business.

I am an intersection of librarian business analyst and specialist business analyst. 
What about you?

Sunday, March 1, 2020

'Customer is Always Right' - Is it?

The role of a Business Analyst (BA) is mostly defined as the bridge between the engineering team/ development team and the customer. BA speak to the customer analyses the requirements and document them which then be passed to the development team for implementation.

What is expected from the BA? What should we as BAs do to contribute towards project success? Is documenting each word mentioned by the customer/stakeholders during the meetings? Below is what I do -
Background Study - This is key. A Ba walking to the customer should do her/his homework about

- Organization
- Business Domain
- Stakeholders

Organization - I try my best to understand the background of the organization. I read the web site and any other articles on the internet about the company. I even try to remember/memories some statements which I may use when talking to the customer(s). Now you may ask why - Explaining my thought process, I believe that in business meetings a BA should showcase that he/she believes in the vision and the mission of the organization. This is much important in creating a good first impression during the meetings/sessions.

Type of Business / Domain - BA typically works in multiple domains. S/he normally does not have a choice when it comes to projects but to work on any assignment which comes across. Being a BA I have worked in Energy, Telecommunications, E- Learning, Healthcare, Manufacturing and Aviation domains. I am not a SME in any of these domains but I always try to learn the area’s most important to me. This has always helped to win the stakeholders. I talk to people as much as possible and I read as many articles as possible.

Stakeholders - Stakeholder Analysis - YES. I do that too and without stopping there I also read about each and every stakeholder. Simply I spy on them. I visit their LinkedIn and even Facebook or Instagram. Now ask me why- I believe in the statement - " Birds of Same Feathers Flock Together" and if I manage to show myself as a bird of the same flock it definitely helps me to attack the stakeholders during the very first meeting itself. This is much important for a successful and sustainable relationship with the customers which indirectly leads to the project success.

First Meeting is crucial. I try to analyze the meeting participants. I study the way they speak, interests, motive or even ulterior motives as much as possible. I categorize them and this categorization has always helped me in the almost all the projects. I let the business stakeholders speak and I capture each work. In reality the first meeting is the ice breaker. Almost everyone brags and the reality is yet to come.

Second Meeting till Infinity of Meetings - This is where I use my ground work. I first try and create a good relationship with the stakeholders. Some stakeholders are the worst creatures you would not want to meet ever again in your life still they are your "CUSTOMERS" hence I always smile. Be pleasant. Remember to put the right foot else you will not end up where you want which is successful project closure with positive feedback about the BA.

Let me now talk to you about the actual topic which I wanted to talk to you which is art if dealing with the customers.
Okay now customer is NOT always right. Sometimes everything they say may be wrong or incomplete or partially right. We should NOT accept everything they say but think logically and take what’s required for the analysis. Remember garbage in garbage out - if you take the right things you will succeed else you will fail.

This is where the relationships set as well as the stakeholder categorization is used. Always remember that they have the upper hand and you’re doing a job.

Rule 01 - This is not your father company or family business. Hence do not be emotional. Your brain should work not heart. Let me tell you if your passionate like me this is little hard. But control.

Rule 02 - Do your job right. As the BA you should be 100% right. Know your point well before you go and explain to your customer. If you make a mistake you will lose the credibility. It takes a lot of time and effort to build it again or you will never be able to do it ever again. So be extra careful.

Rule 03-Be very tactical. Use the right language rather right words. Do never forget they have the upper hand and you have to work with them until the project end. Make them feel that you want the best for them and get their consent. Some people like to be the boss which is alright. Let them be and make them feel that their opinion matters most.

Rule 04: If they agree with you - good job else still it is a good job since you as the BA you actually did your job. And remember take the consent for whichever the decision in written form. Do not be a part of the blame game which may happen if something goes wrong.

Rule 05 - You may encounter hot arguments or even hear heart breaking statements. Remember rule number 01 and speak to them again as you always did in the past.

That is all I do- Anyways appreciate your comments and thoughts. This is my experience and how I handle and there may be many other better ways of handling such scenarios.